Sunday, 13 September 2015
When life becomes uneasy;
And friends set out on different paths.
When no one seems to believe in you anymore,
And the end of the world seems so near.
When all that erred is you or yours,
And every labor yield no good returns.
When even your spirit seem set against you,
And the puzzle looks so ending.
Only one thing is sure
To provide life with the necessary cure,
And save it soul from utter jeopardy:
-- Worry less, Be happy!
Drop Note
Let no one sink you. let no one despise you - You will soon get to your designation.
Quick Note
Believing in yourself when every odd seems against you is one essential self virtue for any human. Unfortunately not every human possesses this virtue.
When no man seems to believe in you any more, when every trial seem to end in a failure; only one thing is said to keep you aloof and atop: Worry less, be happy and Keep trying until it works out!
Curled from 'Motivational Poems and Verses for High Schools and Colleges' - by Obi Gospel O. (c) 2015
#HighSchoolMotivational #WeWillAllGetThere #ObiGospelO
Follow @Obi_Gospel_O
Saturday, 5 September 2015
A man's circumstances do not define him,
Neither does his environment limits him.
A man is short-circuited ONLY by his foresight,
His foresight is a product of his mind-set.
Life is filled with many options:
Many go for the eased and quick-link;
Others for the hard and rough lane;
In all you do,stay put with your Passion.
MY passion is my drive,
In the drive lies the strenght.
Everyday in my strive,
I never give in to the threat to call it QUIT.
Quick and eased is the lane to Mediocrity;
But long and hard-like is the way to real self-actualisation.
For a mussle of food, For a promise of great Reward
Do not leave your life-long Passion.
If you are not you, You can be no body else.
A photocopy will you be, If you aspire to be somebody else.
A man is not defined by his Wealth or Fame;
He is defined by the impact he leaves behind the Lane.
Drop Note
Live your passion and let your passion be for impact.
First thread of thought
A Man is not define by his wealth or eminent fame. He is defined by the Impact he leaves behind the lane. Many are famous and wealthy but only a century after them they were no where to be found in the books. Many others lived centuries and milleniums ago and we still feel their impact today.
Life is not all about expertise,wealth,and fame. Life is all about impact - leaving your footprints in sands of time.
Second thread of thought
You are the most scarce of all commodities - You are the only you in the whole Planet Earth.
You can not be replicated except you decide to replicate someone else. Remember, No photocopy is as good as the original no matter how similar they might look and there wont be any fake if there ain't any original. As such,no one can fully replicate you just as you cannot fully replicate someone else. Why not be yourself and impact your world by living your passion. You may not know how many million people in the world today that are awaiting to see you shine. Your story may be all they need to get to their apex.
Think about it Now!
Curled from 'Motivational Poems and Verses for High Schools and Colleges' - by Obi Gospel O. (c) 2015
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
You are what you dream,
To dream is like to go fetching in a stream.
If a larger water-pot is maintained,
The more the water that can be contained.
No one has ever had a dream,
If his dream is unable to scare him.
No one can go fetching in a stream,
If his water-pot is not with him.
Many a dream go dead,
Just because no one is ready to take the risk.
Many a life has get stucked,
Because one man decides not to beat his disk.
The water-pot is weightier, only when filled with water.
Life becomes tasking, when its dreams becomes broader.
It is said -"The bigger the dream,the more scared it gets you",
But I say - "The smaller the dream, the more lowly life leaves you."
It is better to be scared by your dreams in life,
Than to live comfortably a lowly life,
After all, life is full of risks.
Being scared is allowed, but to live lowly is the worst of risks!
Quick Note
Until you dream it, you cannot acquire it.
Focus on your Dreams today with a view to acquire/attain them. Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Curled from 'Motivational Poems and Verses for High Schools and Colleges' - by Obi Gospel O. (c) 2015
You are what you dream,
To dream is like to go fetching in a stream.
If a larger water-pot is maintained,
The more the water that can be contained.
No one has ever had a dream,
If his dream is unable to scare him.
No one can go fetching in a stream,
If his water-pot is not with him.
Many a dream go dead,
Just because no one is ready to take the risk.
Many a life has get stucked,
Because one man decides not to beat his disk.
The water-pot is weightier, only when filled with water.
Life becomes tasking, when its dreams becomes broader.
It is said -"The bigger the dream,the more scared it gets you",
But I say - "The smaller the dream, the more lowly life leaves you."
It is better to be scared by your dreams in life,
Than to live comfortably a lowly life,
After all, life is full of risks.
Being scared is allowed, but to live lowly is the worst of risks!
Quick Note
To dream is to aspire intently with a view to acquire.- Obi Gospel O.
Until you dream it, you cannot acquire it.
Focus on your Dreams today with a view to acquire/attain them. Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Curled from 'Motivational Poems and Verses for High Schools and Colleges' - by Obi Gospel O. (c) 2015
Monday, 10 August 2015
Tuesday Morning 'MotiVotional'
Life is not a bed of roses,
Challenges may continue even with the rosaries,
To fail is not to end the game,
Success comes to them who play pass the bane.
Failure is a pathway to success,
Only for those who keep on the bliss.
Though Defeat should be awaited,
Victory must be anticipated.
You can be a victor or a victim,
Only you can choose where to be,
To those who belong to the success team,
Challenges takes them to where they want to be.
You can be what you want to be - freely,
Only if you can listen to your litlle inner self,
Which whispers to you repeatly,
This is what I want you to become - be yourself!
Quick Note
Many are successful out there,you can't be like all of them but you can be like one of them and even go yonder. That will be if you can define from your youth what you want to become and go for it even though the roads may be rough and tough.
Go for it as if your life depends on it - as if losing is not an option. Never quit until you get a YES! No dream is too big to be achieved, none has ever lacked resources to be accomplished.
The limitations are residing only within fore-thoughts of men. Until the mind barrier is break lose, the dream remains impossible and unachievable. What Science has declared as impossible at different times, became a reality when after someone in his closet decides to set the barriers aside and move on as if they don't exist. Their later success stories are indicated by the breakthroughs being withnessed in various fields of research today!
Go for your dream, maybe the breakthrough the world is waiting for in that field is in you. Why let it die with you?
Curled from 'Motivational Poems and Verses for High Schools and Colleges' - by Obi Gospel O. (c) 2015
Life is not a bed of roses,
Challenges may continue even with the rosaries,
To fail is not to end the game,
Success comes to them who play pass the bane.
Failure is a pathway to success,
Only for those who keep on the bliss.
Though Defeat should be awaited,
Victory must be anticipated.
You can be a victor or a victim,
Only you can choose where to be,
To those who belong to the success team,
Challenges takes them to where they want to be.
You can be what you want to be - freely,
Only if you can listen to your litlle inner self,
Which whispers to you repeatly,
This is what I want you to become - be yourself!
Quick Note
Many are successful out there,you can't be like all of them but you can be like one of them and even go yonder. That will be if you can define from your youth what you want to become and go for it even though the roads may be rough and tough.
Go for it as if your life depends on it - as if losing is not an option. Never quit until you get a YES! No dream is too big to be achieved, none has ever lacked resources to be accomplished.
The limitations are residing only within fore-thoughts of men. Until the mind barrier is break lose, the dream remains impossible and unachievable. What Science has declared as impossible at different times, became a reality when after someone in his closet decides to set the barriers aside and move on as if they don't exist. Their later success stories are indicated by the breakthroughs being withnessed in various fields of research today!
Go for your dream, maybe the breakthrough the world is waiting for in that field is in you. Why let it die with you?
Curled from 'Motivational Poems and Verses for High Schools and Colleges' - by Obi Gospel O. (c) 2015
Tuesday Morning 'MotiVotional'
Life is not a bed of roses,
Challenges may continue even with the rosaries,
To fail is not to end the game,
Success comes to them who play pass the bane.
Failure is a pathway to success,
Only for those who keep on the bliss.
Though Defeat should be awaited,
Victory must be anticipated.
You can be a victor or a victim,
Only you can choose where to be,
To those who belong to the success team,
Challenges takes them to where they want to be.
You can be what you want to be - freely,
Only if you can listen to your litlle inner self,
Which whispers to you repeatly,
This is what I want you to become - be yourself!
Quick Note
Many are successful out there,you can't be like all of them but you can be like one of them and even go yonder. That will be if you can define from your youth what you want to become and go for it even though the roads may be rough and tough.
Go for it as if your life depends on it - as if losing is not an option. Never quit until you get a YES! No dream is too big to be achieved, none has ever lacked resources to be accomplished.
The limitations are residing only within fore-thoughts of men. Until the mind barrier is break lose, the dream remains impossible and unachievable. What Science has declared as impossible at different times, became a reality when after someone in his closet decides to set the barriers aside and move on as if they don't exist. Their later success stories are indicated by the breakthroughs being withnessed in various fields of research today!
Go for your dream, maybe the breakthrough the world is waiting for in that field is in you. Why let it die with you?
Curled from 'Motivational Poems and Verses for High Schools and Colleges' - by Obi Gospel O. (c) 2015
Life is not a bed of roses,
Challenges may continue even with the rosaries,
To fail is not to end the game,
Success comes to them who play pass the bane.
Failure is a pathway to success,
Only for those who keep on the bliss.
Though Defeat should be awaited,
Victory must be anticipated.
You can be a victor or a victim,
Only you can choose where to be,
To those who belong to the success team,
Challenges takes them to where they want to be.
You can be what you want to be - freely,
Only if you can listen to your litlle inner self,
Which whispers to you repeatly,
This is what I want you to become - be yourself!
Quick Note
Many are successful out there,you can't be like all of them but you can be like one of them and even go yonder. That will be if you can define from your youth what you want to become and go for it even though the roads may be rough and tough.
Go for it as if your life depends on it - as if losing is not an option. Never quit until you get a YES! No dream is too big to be achieved, none has ever lacked resources to be accomplished.
The limitations are residing only within fore-thoughts of men. Until the mind barrier is break lose, the dream remains impossible and unachievable. What Science has declared as impossible at different times, became a reality when after someone in his closet decides to set the barriers aside and move on as if they don't exist. Their later success stories are indicated by the breakthroughs being withnessed in various fields of research today!
Go for your dream, maybe the breakthrough the world is waiting for in that field is in you. Why let it die with you?
Curled from 'Motivational Poems and Verses for High Schools and Colleges' - by Obi Gospel O. (c) 2015
Thursday, 19 February 2015
....The human spirit is filled with enough will-power to achieve anything it so desired. It is endowed with enough strength to become whatsoever it wishes to become. It is blessed with so much intelligence that it can create whatever it imagined and so desired to create.
Giving up on your idea before giving it a trial is associated with lack of believe in oneself, inferiority complex and hence, evidence of lack of self-worth. You can attain any height, reach any depth and spread your wings across the length and breadth of the earth if you can only identify that for which you are called; that for which you are made to exist; the vacuum for which you were so designed to fill; and strive to live by it daily, refusing to give up nor give in until it becomes synonymous to you.
You are the only You we have on this planet Earth; losing You is losing your gifting to the universe. Not only that, it is like taking the universe backward because it will take the world tens of your kind to replace you (if you understand what I mean.) Imagine the World today without Steve jobs, Ben Carson, Mark Zukerberg, Bill Gates, William Shakespeare, Tracy Brian, Chimamanda Adichie, Robert Kiyosaki, Oral Robert, Richard Quest, Serena Williams, Christiana Amanpour, Ben Bernanke, Nelson Mandela. Just Imagine the World Without You - Incomplete!
The world without You should be incomplete, make it feel so......
Saturday, 10 January 2015
From Sunrise to Sunset,
Daybreak to Twilight,
Dawn to Dusk,
Every tick of the Clock
I always keep the Faith to anchor my Fate,
Preserving the Hope to outlive the Date,
Believing that in the Chase I'm not just the Rest,
Beating my Chest aiming only but for the Best
Neither fainting nor Relenting,
Ever trusting and Striving,
Never giving up though it Hurts,
Knowing full well that pain is gain 'in Shorts'.
This is what I mean when I always Say,
Amidst the trials and struggles of each Day,
With boldness and full Assertion,
That I'M JUST NICE and I'm in Motion!
© Obi Gospel O.
Why sit down and lament on your past failures when your success is just a pole by?
Why give up now when a world-changing discovery is two more trials away?
Why complain of the system when your mind-set is all you need to make the change you need?
Why submit yourself to a low life when you have all it takes to live big?
Why the so much blame on yourself and on the potency of your abilities?
You can be whatever you choose and desire to be if only you know that in the race, you are not just like the rest. Do you know that you are so designed to be the best of your kind in what you do? But you can't achieve this if you QUIT NOW.
DON'T give up neither do give in, your SUCCESS is no longer far-fetched and your BREAKTHROUGH is not far away. Your FAME is near your domain and your EXPERTISE as accumulated from your past failures is about to beat your imagination. Your look is about to change. Go on, Move on! TRY IT OUT AGAIN, NOW!
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