Tuesday 26 July 2016



Image credit: Quoteslike

When the rain is over
The bird peeps from its cover
The sky its beauty regain
For the land has been watered again

Wisdom is profitable to direct the bicker
Love is more than a kiss on the Dimple.
Even Hibiscus and roses do wither,
But this understanding eludes the simple.

With all we had
In all we were
With all we did share
Tis had never been so heard

Goodbye is a word too hard,
Dearly ones wish it shouldn't be said or heard,
But life is filled with many trips,
Be it for bad, good, the worst or even for the Best,
Only a goodbye can put the heart at rest,
So it can move on and forward!


Saying Goodbye to a love one most times is not that easy.Whether they are travelling to a distant land, disassociating themselves from you or becoming so unreasonable, saying goodbye sometimes means 'death' but on the other hand we have to move on and 'Goodbye' can only be the last parting words.



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